You have landed here because there's a part of you that is ready for more.

No longer will you settle for a disconnected and uninspired reality.

Women everywhere are remembering their true nature, their true power.

And so are you.


The time of the Divine Feminine is now.

She awakens, coming to life deep within your womb.

She is your intuition, guiding you in each moment.

She is your pleasure, yearning to be unleashed.

She is your truth, wanting to be spoken.

Will you answer her call?

She is waiting for you to set her free, and your womb is the gateway.

Start your journey now.

This program is now a one on one coaching container,

offering you intimate and personalizedย support on your womb healing journey.

Apply Here
Apply Now

Bijou Julia Pounds

"Since moving through the Womb Alchemy program, my spirit and life have upgraded to a state of cosmic bliss. Even though there have been moments of shadow, the healing on the other side has me in a state of liberation from deep rooted fears and trauma. I am empowered to use the tools and concepts for the rest of my life!"

The Womb Alchemy Coaching Program is a 13 Week journey of:

reclaiming your feminine power,

healing trauma,

and embodying your True Self,

all through the portal of the sacred womb.

The Womb Alchemy Program is designed to guide you through a step by step process of healing each layer of the self and realigning it to be a reflection of your
Divine and True nature.

Think of it as a step ladder effect where each phase builds on the one before it, leading to the reclamation of your
Feminine Power.

This program teaches you the skills you need to confidently and successfully heal your womb and step into the YOU that you are meant to be:
empowered, sovereign, and free.

Heal My Womb
Heal My Womb

This program will change your life.

It completely amplifies the quality of your life, bringing back vitality, connection, and passion

Womb Alchemy is rebirth.

When you enter the realm of the womb,
you become gestated within the womb of the Divine Mother,
and you emerge reborn as a truer and more sovereign you. 

Sofiya has witnessed her clients completely transform their lives with this work.

Womb healing is nothing short of a miracle and you will come out of this program transformed.

Are you ready to devote yourself to your womb?

She awaits you,
summoning you for this rebirth.

Transform My Life
Transform My lIfe

Amanda Barone

"Sofiya Mariya's Womb Alchemy Program gave me the support, tools, and wisdom to peel back the layers of my heart womb and fill it with love. After 13 years, I was finally able to fully move through my trauma narrative. I remembered how to love myself unconditionally, intentionally, and without judgement."

๐ŸŒ™  You want to create your life from a place of passion and pleasure

๐ŸŒ™  You want to learn ancient Divine Feminine techniques of ritual and magic

๐ŸŒ™  You feel stuck in your beliefs and fears which hold you back

๐ŸŒ™  You need emotional support healing from trauma and wounding

๐ŸŒ™  You are curious about the power of the womb and want to connect with this sacred pat of yourself

๐ŸŒ™  You are easily overwhelmed by your emotions and want to transform your mindset

๐ŸŒ™  You know you are destined to make a change in the world, but want to heal yourself first

๐ŸŒ™  You want to be empowered in your sexual expression and live a life of pleasure

Full Body Yes!
Full Body Yes!

Sofiya Mariya is the Creatrix of Womb Alchemy, a licensed acupuncturist, and a Priestess of the Magdala Rose Mystery School.

Her Womb Alchemy Coaching business is dedicated to helping women reclaim their womb as their sacred portal of creation by transforming their pain into power.

She weaves wisdom from many traditions, creating a deep life-changing experience for her clients. 

Sofiya works deeply with Divine Feminine energies, and has supported hundreds of women through coaching, women's circle, retreats, and energy healing. She is fiercely dedicated to helping women embody their True and most Empowered Self.

Alejandra Hernandez

"Joining Womb Alchemy and working with Sofiya Mariya has really catapulted me to the next level of self acceptance and embodiment of my True Self. Having someone know and teach ways of reconnecting to your Womb is what aiding in birthing the New Earth and trailblazing for all Wombans to come, is all about!"

The 13 Weeks of Womb Alchemy are broken down into 6 phases. Each phase guides you through reclaiming an aspect of yourself and redefining it, aligning you with your True and Empowered Self.


Starting your womb healing journey is a powerful initiation into a new level of embodiment. In this phase, we activate your womb as a sacred portal of healing and creation, as well as provide you foundational tools to get you started on your journey!

๐ŸŒ™ Womb Activation Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Healing your womb timeline
๐ŸŒ™ Creating a womb altar
๐ŸŒ™ Morning Womb Practice
๐ŸŒ™ Womb anointing ritual
๐ŸŒ™ Writing of sacred womb vows
๐ŸŒ™ Learning how to set sacred space and initiate ceremony

This phase is all about transmuting your limiting beliefs and shifting your mindset so that it is in alignment with your True Self.  By the end of this phase, you will feel confident in your ability to process your emotions, shift your perspective, and embody your truth.

๐ŸŒ™ Shadow Self Healing Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Working with Divine Feminine Archetypes
๐ŸŒ™ How to work with your Shadow Self for deep healing and empowerment
๐ŸŒ™ Cutting Cords to past lovers
๐ŸŒ™ Feminine self care practices
๐ŸŒ™ Releasing the False Self 
๐ŸŒ™ Truth of the Womb Activation with Mary Magdalene
๐ŸŒ™ Emotional processing techniques & Mindset transformation
๐ŸŒ™Inner Child healing

This phase will lead you through a process of healing your relationship with your body. You are led through an immersive experience, leaving you feeling connected to your body as a vessel of creation and self expression. By the end of this phase, you will embody Divine Feminine wisdom, being attuned to your feminine sacred cycles.

๐ŸŒ™ Reclaim Your Body Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Embodying Your Highest Self Ritual
๐ŸŒ™ Reclaim Your Body Ritual & Meditation
๐ŸŒ™ Writing vows of love to your body
๐ŸŒ™ Ancient Menstrual Practices:
syncing up your cycle with nature, hormone balancing,
rituals for different phases of cycle
๐ŸŒ™ Abdominal Massage
๐ŸŒ™ Healing Breast Massage
๐ŸŒ™ Processing Grief through the womb

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for “vagina”, directly translating to “holy temple”. In this phase, you learn how to heal sexual wounding and reprogram safety into your womb. This phase leaves you feeling deeply connected to and safe within your womb.

๐ŸŒ™ Healing the False Feminine Blueprint Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Activating your Divine Feminine
๐ŸŒ™ A series of womb healing & activating yoni egg practices
๐ŸŒ™ De-armouring the womb from trauma
๐ŸŒ™ Programming safety into the body and womb
๐ŸŒ™ Pelvic Floor stretches
๐ŸŒ™ Activating the Voice of the Womb

A woman’s sexual energy is the elixir of all creation! In this phase, you will learn how to channel your orgasmic energy into creating the life you desire. We go deep into sensuality and pleasure practices, healing sexual shame, and unleashing the wild woman within! 

๐ŸŒ™ Yoni Egg Pleasure Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Sacred Self Pleasure Practices
๐ŸŒ™ MicroCosmic Orbit: circulating sexual energy
๐ŸŒ™ Activating your inner Passion Priestess
 ๐ŸŒ™ Pussy Gazing Ritual
๐ŸŒ™ Reprogramming perception of sex from "pain" to "pleasure"
 ๐ŸŒ™ Unleashing the Wild Womban within

Your womb is a sacred portal of creation, where all of your life force is cultivated. In this phase, you learn how to fully tap into the creative powers of your womb. By the end of this phase, you will experience what it means to be the Master Creatrix of your reality, leaving you feeling empowered and capable of creating the life of your dreams!

๐ŸŒ™ Ancestral Healing Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Womb Celebration Ceremony
๐ŸŒ™ Belly Dance for womb & body healing
๐ŸŒ™ Working with Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies to create
 ๐ŸŒ™ Kundalini Rising Orgasm & Manifestation
๐ŸŒ™ Learning how to pass the Rite of the Womb
๐ŸŒ™ How to get clear on and create your vision of happiness
๐ŸŒ™ Activating your Diamond Light Body

This program is now a one on one coaching container,

offering you intimate and personalizedย support on your womb healing journey.

Apply Here

The time has come for us to gather,

as sisters,
as healers,
as way-showers.
We are the Master Creatrixes of the New Earth,
and the womb is the portal for this rebirth.

Let us rise together!

Full Body Yes!

The time has come for us to gather,

as sisters,
as healers,
as way-showers.
We are the Master Creatrixes of the New Earth,
and the womb is the portal for this rebirth.

Let us rise together!

Full Body Yes!